Yahya Michot

From 1981 until 1997, Professor Yahya M. Michot was director of the Centre for Arabic Philosophy at the University of Louvain in Belgium. He gave courses in Arabic, History of Arabic philosophy, Commentary on Arabic philosophical texts, History of Muslim peoples and Institutions of Islam. His main field of research is the history of Muslim thought, mainly Avicenna (d. 428/1037), his predecessors and his impact on Sunni thought. This led to a growing interest in the theologian Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728/1328), the time of the Mamlûks and Ilkhâns and modern Islamic movements.

Since October 1998, Professor Michot is KFAS Fellow in Islamic Studies at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies and Islamic Centre Lecturer in the Faculty of Theology, Oxford University where he gives an introductory course in Islamic theology. He is also member of various international scholarly societies, and founder and director of the collection ‘Sagesses musulmanes’. From April 1995 to June 1998, Professor Michot was president of the Conseil Supérieur des Musulmans de Belgique. His numerous publications (mainly in French) include several volumes on Ibn Sina (Averroes) and Ibn Taymiyyah.

As a result of his undisputed expertise in Islamic philosophy and theology, Professor Michot has delivered lectures on his specialisation throughout the Middle East and Europe.


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